Statistical Sciences 2035 Study Guide - Standard Deviation, Statistical Parameter, Confidence Interval

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We now move into a statistical topic called. Statistical inference : the goal of inference is to draw conclusions (make inferences) about a population from a sample, often, we are interested in obtaining information about (and sometimes ) Inference about from a normal population, where is known (section 7. 1) A large hospital wishes to estimate the average length of time patients remain in the hospital. The hospital"s administrators randomly select the records of 49 previous patients and calculate x to be 4. 53 days. = 3. 68 days and that the lengths of stay are normally distributed. For now, we will assume that is known (either from a previous study or from historical records: we will cover the more usual case, where. All four of these numbers are point estimates of : but they vary, they are not all the same. Let"s look for a 95% ci for .