Women's Studies 2163A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sexology, Sexual Identity, Foreplay

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How much of the body and lifespan relevant. Sexual identity might be different from sexual desires and practices you have. Worldviews that dictated sexuality, institutions that people looked to for guidance. The church operates on moral grounds, small definition of range of activities. Idea that these are blessed with the church, reproduction, really powerful ideologies. 18th century 19th century becomes equally as powerful. Encyclopedia for sex info, given to married hetereosexual people. Sex was presented as risky, only occasional indulgence, only narrow view of what is acceptable. This was initially perpetuating similar values to church, taking a scientific view, not a moral one. Late 19th century, sexology starts to emerge as credible discourse to guiding acceptable behaviours in regards to sexuality. Engage in projects of mass categorization for sexualities, sexual identities and types. Perversions were pathologized - s/m, fetishes, homosexuality, cross-dressing. In turn, hetereosexuality - monogamy, sex for reproduction, remained focus as for what is normal.