AS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cosmic Calendar, Invertebrate, Egyptian Pyramids

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13 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Our time and place in the starlit universe. Equally important is that you gain an appreciation for the concept of time and how the average human lifetime, for instance, compares to the age of the universe. However, it is not until mid-december on this cosmic calendar that complex living structures such as invertebrate life formed and not until december 24 or 25 when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The egyptian pyramids were built about 11 seconds ago; copernicus and others convinced humanity that the earth orbits the sun about one second ago; elizabeth ii became queen of england about. 0. 14 seconds ago; you were born about 0. 04 seconds ago (assuming your age is 18); canada won the olympic gold. Medal in women"s and men"s hockey in 2002 about 0. 023 seconds ago; you started reading this chapter about 2 millionths of a second ago; and it is now exactly midnight on.