AS102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Leading Edge, Density Wave Theory

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Here are two items that might help reinforce this concept. The first is a 17-second video animation of density waves moving through a population of stars (sorry about the ad that runs about halfway through the demo just click it off). You might have to run this video a few times, especially the latter half, to see what is happening to individual stars. http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=c5us-joncla. The second is another animation (this time without ads) running continuously showing automobiles piling up behind a slow-moving tractor eventually passing it one at a time allowing them to continue their journey at a faster pace. http://astro. unl. edu/classaction/animations/milkyway/tra fficdensity. html. I"m sure you"ve all experienced something like this when an accident happens on a four-lane highway and the traffic gets backed up and vehicles are able to get by the incident slowly (one at a time). Here is a sequence of pictures from your textbook that should help reinforce the concept.