AS102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Light Pollution, Sagittarius A*, Big Bang

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Here is a link to a nice youtube video (2. 3 minutes long) showing the creation of the milky way galaxy probably generated using a supercomputer. To quote from the author of the video; this simulations follows the formation of a galaxy like our own. The movie shows the distribution of gas and stars from after the big bang to the present time. Every second corresponds to 70 million years and the frame is 500. 000 light years across . http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=n0jrobc7_xo. If you have never experienced the milky way galaxy on a dark night (away from light pollution) here is a neat (two-minute) video showing just that. Clearly taken from a few different locations one spot is obviously in the southern hemisphere because the two satellite galaxies, the two magellanic clouds, can readily be seen. http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=84vlmeluqci. Well, what do we know about the centre of the milky way. Actually, it"s difficult to see the centre of our galaxy using visible light telescopes.