BU415 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Software Development Kit, Reputation Management, Application Programming Interface

96 views6 pages
10 Feb 2020

Document Summary

Web 2. 0: internet services that foster collaboration and information sharing services rather than having ownership. Blogs: online journal entries usually presented in a reverse chronological order. Peer production: collaboration between users to create content, products and. Collaborative consumption: participants share access to products and services, Long tail: phenomenon whereby firms can make money by offering a near- limitless selection of content and products. Trackbacks: links in a blog post that refer readers back to cited sources. Wikimasters: individuals employed by organizations to review community. Viral: info or applications that spread rapidly between users. Free rider problem: when others take advantage of a user or service without. Application programming interface (apis): programming hooks, or guidelines. Hashtags: method for organizing tweets where keywords are preceded with a # Wikis: website that can be modified by anyone directly within a web browser, that serves as a shared knowledge repository content.