[CS235] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (25 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

There are 2 basic logics of research inquiry into particular phenomenon. Both are comprised of 3 interlocking logics of knowing: epistemology, ontology, methodology. All end with the same 4 letter suffix. The way we come to know the world is to organize it. Logos- the practice of organizing words into speech, speech into rational argument; the practice of logic. Ordering principles which organize structures of knowing and knowledge. The logical practice of organizing the process of coming to knowledge. The greek root of the word is epistanai or to stand . How we know or understand the world is a function of where we are located or place from which we come to knowledge. Paradigms (kuhn) or epistemes (foucault) are frameworks of knowing. What we see is dependent on where we"re located. The greek root of the word is ontos which refers to a state of. Questions of ontology entail questions about the nature of existence.