GG102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Urban Renewal, Urban Sprawl, Newfrontiers

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9 Apr 2015

Document Summary

Science and business of cultivation of crops and livestock. Examining process of how food gets to us. Benefits: more yields, same input, more selections, health (vitamins, lasts longer and tastes better. Drawbacks: harder for organic farmers to grow, killing bugs. Agribusiness = technology + biology + corporate management. Assumes only 1 city, 1 central market. Land is uniform, 1 form of transportation. Urbanization arguably most important process shaping the world . Key influences on urban structure: transportation, accessibility, land-use competition. Recall: bid-rent theory: key to land-use patterns, users bid for land/location, commercial, manufacturing. Will play high rent for high traffic areas. Will pay to be close to employment and core: residents, agriculture. Want to be close to core, but can afford to travel. Need cheap land but access to market (especially fresh: classic bid-rent curve- single centered city. Concentric zone model: from center to outer rings, commercial, manufacturing, residential, agriculture.