GS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Climate Justice, Asian Values, Global Governance

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Absence of political authority (not chaos") that effects how states behave to each other since there is no authority to impose rules, states behave according to self- help", preoccupied with own security and survival. Suspicious of the motivations of other states, related to hobbs state of nature" which described as nasty, brutish, and short". Anarchy makes international cooperation difficult because states focus on relative rather than absolute gains, sovereign states tend to be reluctant to hand over sovereign rights to international organizations or international legal instruments. For realists, anarchy makes global governance extremely difficult, and conflict among states inevitable. Political ideology of 1990s, elements of society, culture and history common to the nations of southeast asia. emphasis on social harmony, loyalty towards family and nation; less on western" individualism. principle of collectivism. Part of development wave #3, where its people focused rather than government to government.