KP100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Motor Skill, Primitive Reflexes, Intellectual Disability

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Physical literacy can be described as the moivaion, conidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to maintain physical acivity throughout the life course. Children who have physically literacy move with poise and conidence also economically. Want them to do this in challenging situaions and read situaions. Begin with fundamental movement skills, move to combinaions, next is movement sequences, inally it"s sports and dance. You need all of these steps to be physically literate. Growth: observable step by step changes in body size. Maturaion: qualitaive system changes such as change in carilage to bone. 6 major periods of motor development: relexive, preadapted, fundamental paterns, context speciic, skillful, compensaion periods. 3rd week of pregnancy- 2nd week ater birth. Common to all developing humans on earth but are not wired. Disinguished by locomotor and manipulaive coordinaion paterns that will serve as a basis for later speciic motor skills ex. Throwing food from high chair, now ball to friend.