KP221- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 94 pages long!)

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Other terms: anatomical position: palms facing forward (in pictures) Position/direction relationship: dorsal (dorsum) = back, ventral = front (belly, lateral = sides, cranial = towards head, cephalic = towards head, caudal = towards tail (butt, rostral = towards head. Position/direction relationship: superior = upwards with respect to gravity. Inferior = towards feet: anterior = towards front of body, posterior = towards back of body, these can be dependent on body position. Upper limb consists of: shoulder, arm, forearm, hand. Includes pectoral, scapular, lateral supraclavicular regions: e(cid:454)ter(cid:374)al (cid:858)(cid:271)o(cid:374)(cid:455) la(cid:374)d(cid:373)arks(cid:859) allo(cid:449) us to ide(cid:374)tif(cid:455) i(cid:374)ter(cid:374)al (cid:271)od(cid:455) stru(cid:272)tures, pectoral (shoulder) girdle. Important for muscle attachment: medial border (closest to middle), superior border, lateral border make up the superior, lateral and inferior angles of a triangular shape, tip of triangle faces outward, flat side inwards. Clavicle connects upper limb to trunk: first bone in body to start developing, last to fully calcify, only bony attachment to scapula, superior end is deep to skin.