PO310 Study Guide - Final Guide: Opinio Juris Sive Necessitatis, Statute Of The International Court Of Justice

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12 Feb 2015

Document Summary

******* theres four aspects that a required to become a state: a permanent population, a capacity to inter into relations with others, defined territory, government international organization, help the internationall system run smoothly this could be through internation communication and affiliatied mostly through state runnned programs. Un security council has special powers: un security council has a veto power if the five permanent members get this power and there is also 10 other non members, chapter 7 seven problems, thisis the power to use of force, this power is given to by the states that are apart by the agreement, resoultion 1373 this was done after 911, and it had to do with terrorist financing regulations, resolutions 1540 was a global law that basically had to do, sources of international law with the possession of weapons of mass destruction"s, article 38. Article 38(1)(a) of the icj, which uses the term.