PS101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, Karl Lashley, Internal Carotid Artery

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24 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Psychology midterm notes consciousness (cid:498)the state of being awake and aware of one"s surroundings(cid:499) (cid:498)the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world. (cid:499) To do this, psychologists employ introspection, self-reports of sensations, views, feelings, emotions, etc. Wilhelm wundt and edward titchener founded this theory and idea. According to freud, the mind can be divided into three different levels: The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. The preconscious mind is the part of the mind that represents ordinary memory. While we are not consciously aware of this information at any given time, we can retrieve it and pull it into consciousness when needed.