PS295- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 12 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

The scientific approach: psychology is a scientific discipline. Cf. common misconceptions: science is not defined by: Equipment or apparatus i. e beakers and lab coats. Having enough facts in the field so far: science as an approach. Example study: aggression what causes aggression? high temp increased aggression. Want to understand something, w/o regard for if knowledge is immediately useful, Main goal: increase knowledge curiosity driven research: applied research. Want to apply the research findings to a problem of immediate concern. Main goal: find a solution for a specific problem. Many people can share a belief that is false. What are the characteristics of x: what are the components that make up x, relationship and association questions. Is there a relatio(cid:374)ship (cid:271)etwee(cid:374) people"s anxiety & performance: hypothesis: Increases in x are associated with decreases (or increases) in y. Increases in x lead to decreases (or increases) in y.