SY101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hidden Curriculum, Correspondence Principle, Cultural Learning

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SY101 Full Course Notes
SY101 Full Course Notes
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Homogamy- the tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another. Blended family- a family whose members were once part of other families. Intentional family- people who declare themselves a family and treat one another as members of the same family; originated in the late 20th century in response to the need for intimacy not met because of distance, divorce and death. Credential societies- the use of diplomas and degrees to determine who is eligible for jobs, even though the diploma or degree may be irrelevant to the actual work. Cultural transmission- i(cid:374) refere(cid:374)(cid:272)e to edu(cid:272)atio(cid:374), the (cid:449)a(cid:455) s(cid:272)hools tra(cid:374)s(cid:373)it as so(cid:272)iet(cid:455)"s (cid:272)ulture, especially its core values. Gatekeeping- the process by which education opens and closes doors of opportunity; another term for the social placement function of education. Tracking- the sorting of students into different educational programs on the basis of real or perceived abilities. Social placement- a fu(cid:374)(cid:272)tio(cid:374) of edu(cid:272)atio(cid:374) that fu(cid:374)(cid:374)els people i(cid:374)to a so(cid:272)iet(cid:455)"s (cid:448)arious positio(cid:374)s.