SY101 Study Guide - Final Guide: National Institute Of Standards And Technology, Symbolic Interactionism, Nuclear Family

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SY101 Full Course Notes
SY101 Full Course Notes
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A functionalist focus" on ethnocentrism which is the tendency to judge others cultures exclusively by the standards of your own. Symbolic interactionist regard culture as an independent variable, people do not just accept culture passively. We produce and interpret culture, creatively fashioning it to suit our diverse and changing needs. Social life is an ongoing struggle between more and less advantaged groups. Privileged groups try to maintain their advantages, while subordinate groups struggle to increase theirs. Key idea: is a primary socializer but less now than ever before, helps with language acquisition. Schools: provide secondary socialization that includes manifest functions (academics), latent functions (hidden curriculum, includes the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy, where teachers" expectation influence students" performance. Status relatively same age; peers can help with identity formation by influencing individual lifestyle choices such as appearances and dating: reject some parental values, experiment, rebel, take risks. Chapter 4 from social interaction to social organizations.