ADMS 2600 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Canadian Human Rights Commission, Canadian Human Rights Act, Human Resource Management

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Document Summary

People (human resources) are the essential resource of all organizations, create organizational innovations and accomplishments. Organizational success depends upon careful attention to human resources. -def: the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of individuals that have economic value to an organization. -employees own their own human capital, org lost investment of training when they leave, but also develop the their skill of selection and training. so,org need high-quality. Hrm and programs are often the conduit through which knowledge is developed and transferred among employeesmajor theme of hrm: competing through people. Small org separate small hr department or an individual reporting to a middle manager. Large org: (hr department more important and complex) -specialized sub-departments correspond with major activities employment compensation training and development etc. -head of hr department may become a vice president and report directly to the chief operating officer. -successful organizations combine the experience of line managers with the expertise of.