ADMS 4495 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ken Wilber, Team Building, Teamwork

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1)invite employees and team members to make suggestions about organizational procedures and processes. 2)given opportunity to actively engage and encouraged to recommend. Abdication- member exerts no special influence over task. (dysfunctional). Managing the resource powerful team member influences other members only in the specific domain of his or her special resources. What leadership is not- empirical data show that there is no support for the notions that good leaders are made by teaching them about leadership trails, styles, or behaviours. Leadership is-newer research data suggests that we need to move from looking at who , personality traits the leader should be and how , behaviours, to learning about what the leader does and when the leader does it. What team leaders do- attend to basic conditions that foster effective team workby -create real team work stable over time, -compelling direction, -structure,-provide ample support and resources,-provide expert coaching.