ANTH 1120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cultural Relativism, Health Professional, Ethnocentrism

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Culture: a system of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of beliefs, patterns of behavior, artifacts, and institutions that are created, learned, and shared by a group of people. Ethnocentrism: the strong human tendency to believe that one"s culture or way of life is normal, natural, and superior to the beliefs and practices of others. A society where someone can live alone from society or part from cultural beliefs or values. Cultural relativism: understanding a group"s beliefs and practices within their own cultural context, without making judgments. Participant observation: joining and engaging in the culture and customs of the people who are the focus of one"s study over an extended period of time. Agency: the potential power of individuals or groups to contest cultural norms, values, symbols, understandings of reality, institutions and other forms of power. Potential power that is not realized, to contest structures that frame their lives. (gender performance, the hip hop dancing)