BIOL 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tahitians, Parapatric Speciation, Fletcher Christian

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7 Oct 2015

Document Summary

Read the questions carefully, determine what the question is asking, and choose the best answer. It is best to try these questions under test- like conditions. Put away all your notes and sit in a quiet area. Most dna sequence data analyzed so far indicate that there was probably little to no gene flow between. Assume the populations are located far from one another & that their environmental conditions are very similar. Some of the sailors married polynesians there and raised families. All contemporary pitcairn islanders can trace at least part of their family tree back to the colonization event. The sequence of pax- 6 in humans and mice is identical. & its attachment to the prokaryotic cells, producing a highly complex structure. In vertebrate eyes, though, a different gene (the rh gene family) is responsible for the light- receptor pigments of the retina. The rh gene, like pax- 6, is ancient.