COMN 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bechdel Test, Authorial Intent, Print Culture

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Comn 1000 exam review (fall 2018): key terms and areas to study. Below i have listed the key terms and concepts from the course. In some cases i have grouped together related terms, and for a few i have indicated the authors that discuss them. All of these could potentially appear on the exam. This also means that not all of the elements of the course can be captured in a list like this; make sure to review the broader arguments we"ve looked at carefully. Models of communication: sender-receiver (shannon-weaver model); transmission vs. social model; administrative vs. critical model. Encoding/decoding (from stuart hall; see the chart on lg&s p. 93). Related ideas include dominant, negotiated, and oppositional forms of interpretation. History of communication: oral/literate/electronic cultures (time vs. space bias [innis], print culture, digital culture, modernity/modern society, capitalism, printing press and telegraph: economic, social, and cultural impacts; biases. Innis and mcluhan: medium theory and biases" of communication.