EN 2140 Study Guide - Final Guide: English Renaissance Theatre, Thrust Stage, Main Plot

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11 Sep 2013

Document Summary

Theatre was a way of popularizing the doctrine of the christian religion. Groups of people that participated in the performances, financing it, preparing for it many months in advance. Inclusion marks elizabethan theatre, great contrast with what we have in religious theatre in greece/italy. 1951 ban on portraying god ban was lifted. Also, living your life for now rather than in the afterlife. Unity of action sub-plots within the main plot. Faustus and the devil, the devils conjuring the devil using the book with black magic within it. Influence of bringing both genre"s in the play. Smaller scenes that do not need to be chronologically related. Different episodes that show us the doctor"s experiences during the 24 years he travels. If you have to sell your soul, and the individual wants to do it, he will probably do it.