HLST 1010 Final: HLST 1010 Study notes

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John snow: father of epidemiology ( shoe leather epidemiology door to door) William farr: registrar general in london recognized poverty was a contributor to poor health. Epidemiologist study risk factors which are a behavior or characteristic associated with a condition. Social epidemiology: reflects the population or societal level of analysis. The lalonde report: 1974 first government report to differentiate health and health care. Plato: democracy can only function if gap between rich and poor is no more than. Who: health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of a disease or infirmity. Self-assessed health: asking people how healthy they consider themselves to be. Imr measures how many infants die in the first year of life. Richard wilkinson: 1986 found that gap between the rich and poor correlated with the population"s health. Income difference is the most commonly measured form of inequality. Provision of basic need (food, water, shelter, security)