KINE 1020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stanley Miller, Murchison Meteorite, Reducing Atmosphere

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U: display order: all forms of life including this ower are arranged in a highly ordered manner, with the cell being the fundamental unit of life, harness and utilize energy: Like this hummingbird, all forms of life acquire energy from the environment and use it to maintain their highly ordered state: reproduce: all organisms have the ability to make more of their own kind. Here, some of the bacteria have just divided into two daughter cells: respond to stimuli: organ- isms can make adjustments to their structure, function, and behaviour in response to changes to the external environ- ment. A plant can adjust the size of the pores (stomata) on the surface of its leaves to regulate gas exchange. y t i s r e v i n. J f o y s e t r u o c e g a m: exhibit homeostasis: organ- isms are able to regulate their internal environment such that conditions remain relatively constant.