KINE 2031 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nuchal Ligament, Jugular Foramen, Lumbar Vertebrae

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Inferior sacral fossa: media crest b, sacral hiatus, all of the above, which suture outlines the occipital bone, squamosal, sagittal, coronal, lambdoidal, which of the following passes through the jugular foramen? a) After she lies on her back and you flex her knee to a 90 degree angle, you find that the tibia can be moved anterior to the knee joint if it is pulled towards your body. What is the injury likely to be: a broken screw-home mechanism, a posterior cruciate ligament tear, an anterior cruciate ligament tear, a meniscus tear, a patellar ligament tear, why is the acromioclavicular joint necessary? a) b) It allows for added range of motion for the humerus within the glenoid fossa. It allows added range of movement for the scapula along the scapulothoracic articulation c) Interossei muscles: lumbrical muscles, which of the following muscles assist(s) in inspiration, external intercostals b) Which muscle is the lateral one: semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris.