MGMT 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Tim Hortons, User Friendly, Image Sharing

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4 Jul 2016

Document Summary

Try to combine the strengths of both the defender and the prospector by developing an ability to produce a range of high-quality products very efficiently, while remaining open to new opportunities (apple) Apple produce high quality products, but still leaves doors open to new products. Iphones for example, currently, there is five versions. Constantly looking for ways to improve their products and to keep up with the market. Constantly coming up with new products such as when ipad was introduced. While csr does not have a universal definition, many see it as the private sector s way of integrating the economic, social, and environmental imperatives of their activities. Csr closely resembles the business pursuit of sustainable development and the triple bottom line. Appealing place to work, treats employees well. Built perception of caring around the world. Giving back is a huge part of what motivates the company invest in social entrepreneurs.