NATS 1745 Study Guide - Final Guide: Inverse-Square Law

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Space is filled with an invisible fluid (ether) in which the planets are carried around the sun by whirling vortices. [contrary to descartes] planetary motion is due to an invisible attractive force that acts across empty space ( gravitational attraction ) universal: what does it mean to say that gravity is. Gravitational attraction is universal: it"s the cause of motion both on earth and in space. The wst prism disperses sunlight into a rainbow and the 2nd prism recombines the colours into the original white sunlight . Sunlight is composed of the colours of the rainbow. dispersion: what is. The splitting of light into its component colours when it passes through a medium, due to the different refraction angles of each colour. chromatic aberration. Why did newton construct a telescope with mirrors instead of glass lenses: what is. The failure of a lens to focus all colours in a light ray at the same point.