NATS 1610 Study Guide - Final Guide: Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential, Cell Junction, Saltatory Conduction

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Test 4 review neural communicaion: nervous tissue review: Nervous issue is composed of nerves cells called neurons. Excitable cells that form communicaion lines in the nervous system. Also consist of neuroglia: a variety of cells that protect and support neurons structurally and metabolically. Central nervous system (cns: brain and spinal cord. Three funtions of nervous tissue: sensory input. Motor neurons conduct impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and joints. The important funcion of neurons is to propagate nerve impulses: neurons: input zones trigger zone, structure: signal detecion dendrites cell body (soma) axon hillock** axon with myelin sheath (conducing zone) axon endings (output zone) In a real cell ions are unequally distributed on either membrane side. Opposite charges atract each other, but the membrane keeps them separated. Membrane is thus polarized one side has diferent charge from the other side. The more charges that are separated the greater the membrane potenial.