PHIL 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Logical Positivism, Axiology, Theism

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The irrationality of faith it alone gave humanity the answers to the questions of life and the possibility to live. without faith one cannot live. If theism is true then: we have a satisfying explanation of the origins of the universe and we are not products of chance and necessity. We are not fighting alone, god is on our side. The scales of the universe are perfectly balanced so everyone will get what he or she deserve according to their moral merit. We are all the children of god, we are brothers and sisters and we are all of equal worth. All of us can be redeemed and forgiven and given a new start. Secularism: a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. Theism: a belief in the existence of god. Axiological: 1- the life has a positive intrinsic value. 2- its on the whole good for the person who leads it.