PSYC 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sympathetic Nervous System, Belongingness, Extraversion And Introversion

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PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Cognitive needs, knowledge and understanding: problem solving, acceptance of facts. Esteem needs, achievement and gaining of recognition: confidence, self-esteem. Belongingness and love needs, affiliation and acceptance: sexual intimacy, family, friendships. Safety and security: long-term survival and stability, body, health, property, employment. Regression: if lower needs are not being satisfied. Subjective/cognitive: pleasant/unpleasant internal state & associated thoughts, thoughts intensify emotions. Physiological: activation of sympathetic nervous system, changes in breathing, heart rate, perspiration. Behavioural: changes in body language, posture, facial expressions. Piaget assimilation vs accommodation assimilation: interpreting new ideas in terms of existing mental structures without changing them ex. child thinking a magazine is an ipad accommodation: changing existing mental structures to explain new experiences. Sensorimotor stage: birth > 2 years, development of object permanence. Concrete operational: 7-11 years, perform mental operations formal operation: 11 years+, ability to reason logically and abstractly. Pre-conventional: no personal moral code, moral code shaped by adults and the consequences of following or breaking their rules.