PSYC 2130- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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Ask people who know the person to describe them: 3. Check on how the person is faring in life: 4. Personality chapter two notes: four things can be done to enhance reliability, 1. Be careful and double-check all measurements: 2. Use a constant, scripted procedure for all participants: 3. Measure something that is important rather than trivial: 4. Personality chapter two notes: experiments may simply not be possible. Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (mmpi: designed for use in the clinical assessment of individuals with psychological difficulties, but it has also been used for other purposes, such as employment screening, another widely used test is the california psychological. Personality chapter three notes: another kind of b-data personality test is the implicit association. Personality chapter three notes: this kind of test development is based on a preexisting theory of a trait or psychological construct, psychologist r. s; woodworth proposed the interview questions. His list, which is known as the woodworth.