SOCI 3550 Study Guide - Final Guide: Filial Piety, Dementia

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17 Apr 2016

Document Summary

2. 7 million canadian aged 45+ gave care to a senior with long term health problems. Women made up more than half of these caregivers (57%) People under 65 who were mostly adult children, made up of these caregivers. Close family members (spouses and children), made up 70% of caregivers. ****page 320 shows a chart we can use to show the breakdown of caregiver demographics***** Majority of the caregivers who were not coping well were married women because of the role conflict that occurred as they attempted to manage the different aspects in their life. Some research suggests that caregiving spouses experience more burden from caregiving than do adult children: more strain as they see their partner decline. Lai (2007; 2009) examined the effects of chinese culture on caregiver burden: those caregivers with health problems, greater care demands, and fewer financial resources all reported greater burden even though the.