SOSC 1040 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Time Warner, Agonism, Media Culture

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Type of deformation of the self (both psychological & sociological condition) Arises from ill-fated attempts to deal with insecurities & fears that lead to self hatred. Ppl are more vulnerable when they attempt to pursue happiness, social acceptance & self preservation & accepting dominant consumer cultural values. Individual not consciously aware (masked through pleasure, belonging, culture, etc) Process of (cid:494)objectification(cid:495) (cid:523)can be a loss of the self(cid:524) Ppl get influenced into thinking & behaving in ways that don(cid:495)t rep. their own best interests. 2 yr olds asks for products by brand name tweens are most brand conscious generation in history. Teen culture saturated with violence, drugs, sex, brands, competition & desire for social status (cid:494)cool(cid:495) Teens face life with poor diets, drugs, self-esteem issues, mental problems (cid:523)anxiety, depression, suicide (cid:524) Corporate payoffs to govt has (cid:494)weakened the regulatory, legislative making it hard to protect children(cid:495) Type of deception (competing with oneself & thinking oneself as lesser)