SOSC 1510 Study Guide - Final Guide: Human Resource Management, Theory X And Theory Y, United Automobile Workers

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Span of control, span of control is the term now used more commonly in business management, particularly human resource management. Assembly-line methods production of cheap, uniform commodities in high volume. Winning employee loyalty with good wages and a reduced work week. Initially intolerant of unionism or employee participation forced to recognize uaw. Assembly-line system - constantly moving conveyor belt and minute division of labour. Delivered just-on-time parts and assemblies with precise timing. Reduced time to produce a complete chassis from 728 minutes to 93 minutes produced a. Paid workers a minimum wage of a day, more than double the average for the motor industry at that time, And reduced the working day from nine hours to eight, operating the plant 24-hours-a-day with a three-shift system. Price of a model t fell from in 1908 to in 1927. Ford workers could buy a ford motor car.