SOSC 2150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Health Promotion, Medicalization, Marc Lalonde

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Sosc 2150 9. 0 health in crisis: issues of health, This will be a closed book test, which means that you cannot use any notes, books or other study aids during the test. All electronic devices must be put away during the test. It will be expected that your answers will draw on the information covered in the course, including lectures, the assigned weekly readings, and films listed in the syllabus. Be sure to base your answers on concrete details and arguments presented in the course materials. Students will be expected to answer both section i and section ii below. Section i: describe and explain the significance of the following terms (three of the following terms will be on the mid-term test) Important: make-up tests will be granted only in exceptional circumstances, confirmed by supporting documentation. It is the student"s responsibility to contact the course director within 24 hours of a missed test.