SOSC 2350 Study Guide - Final Guide: Totalitarianism, Josh Greenberg, Seta

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For one paragraph say however, there are limits to foucaults theory: theory > theory + surveillance > analyzing foucaults theory and. Foucault disciplinary power - reading arguing that is all this allowed? are there limits to what he"s arguing or can the government do whatever they want (limitless). Foucaults saying that the government essentially has the control and power to do whatever they want > a persons identity freedom is infringed upon (they only have their home to do whatever they want) Arguing: power is not essentially something that institutions posses and use oppressively against individuals and groups > he wants to examine how it operates in day to day interactions between people and institutions. Power is something that acts and operates in a certain way, its more of a strategy. King remained in the middle of legal edi ce of the west. It was his power or lack of power that mattered most.