COM 494 Study Guide - Transtheoretical Model, Observational Learning, Social Cognitive Theory

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Exam 2 study guide: extended parallel process model (eppm) o. Perceived threat: danger/harm that exists in the environment. Severity: how likely it will happen to you. How bad would it be if it happened to you. Perceived efficacy: o impedes or averts a threat the effectiveness, feasibility and ease with which a recommended response. Response efficacy: how confident are you that you can perform action how confident are you that the recommended action will work o. Rejection: health belief model (hbm) o o. Core assumptions: people with take health-related action if they: Feel negative health condition could be avoided. Susceptibility: beliefs about the chances of getting a condition: ex: define populations at risk, tailor risk based on the individual, develop. Severity: accurate perception of the risk beliefs about the seriousness of a condition and its consequences: ex: specify consequences of a condition and recommended action.