POS 210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Plural Voting, The Communist Manifesto, Workplace Democracy

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The three utopian socialists we met show that there is great diversity among socialists and therefore socialism, so much so that we might say there are really socialism s . But in order to achieve social equality, all socialists thought that the mean s of production must be owned collectively, though they debat e d wheth er that ownership should be decentr alized or centrally controlled. Whatev er their perspec tive, socialists thought society should be rationally organized and controlled. Thus they picked up from liberalism an emph a sis on reas o n . Becaus e we have in our possession science, the rational, ordere d knowledg e of the laws of nature, we can apply that science to hum a n society. Liberals were now using the sam e argu m e n t and method to modify their own ideology.