EESC 1187 Midterm: GeoTest2NotesMidterm

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In order to understand the relationship between science and public policy, we must understand these 4 scientific topics: galileo and the church (last test, the creation/ evolution controversy (last test, climate change/ global warming, earthquakes and earthquake prediction. How do scientists and public policy makers currently view the: extent of global warming, consequences of global warming, public policy implications of global warming. Un report: don"t delay on climate change - blames humans. It is extremely likely that humans are responsible. Ipcc: intergovernmental panel on climate change- the benchmark study on global warming, published every few years from 1,000 researches around the world. 2014: earth"s warmest year on record ( from noaa) Global surface temperature graph: ten warmest years are highlighted in dark red. These years are spread out from late 1990s- 2010s. The average temperature near the surface of the earth has increased about 1 degree c, (1. 8f) during the past 100 years.