[HIST 1094] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (59 pages long)

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Slavery in the mid-19th century: by the 1820s: Haiti and much of spanish latin america had banned slavery. Slavery was still practiced in the southern us, the british and spanish caribbean possessions, and brazil: example of haiti posed dilemma to slave owners: suppressing slaves could avoid rebellion, or it could lead to it. Gave people reform they wanted without touching british institutions. Thought that it might not be worth the cost of slave rebellions to have slaves less expensive to make them free and have peace (more-or-less) Abolitionsim and haiti: haiti represented worst case scenario to whites about what could gappen if slaces act on their won, haitian president jean-pierre boyer used navy to interdict slave trade, became symbol of militant antislavery, kdngskjdghlkjsdfhgkjsfdjgs. Popular abolitionism and religion, 1820s-1830s: abolitionism spreads among working classes in britain (and elsewhere) beginning in the. 1820s: influenced by liberalism but even more by religion especially methodism (begin in the late 18th century)