PSYCH C162 Study Guide - Final Guide: Longitudinal Study

10 views2 pages
17 May 2020

Document Summary

In the empirical article, researchers dunn, aknin, and norton assessed the e ect that the allocation of income has on happiness. Given the fact that a recent increase in incomes hasn"t a ected happiness levels in developed countries, dunn and her colleagues ran a series of correlational and experimental studies to explore a circulating explanation for this trend: Much of this increased wealth is going towards consumer goods that have no positive impact on happiness levels. The researchers note that money serves as a powerful means of achieving prosocial goals, however, which may make a positive impact on happiness levels. To collect initial evidence regarding the e ects of wealth allocation on happiness, the researchers surveyed a nationally representative population of americans. In this survey, the participants were asked to report their annual income, as well as how much they spend on personal and prosocial endeavors.