PUB POL 190 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Carpool

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Political behavior: rational choice theory, basis, people are mainly driven by utility, concrete self-interest, process, 1. Look for all possible alternatives (vote, don"t vote): 2. Determine the relative value/utility of each alternative (uv= benefits voting - costs voting: 3. Include factor of probability: uv= p(bv) - p(cv) or unv= p(bnv) - p(cnv, 4. No: citrin: when are people rational, people don"t always act in own self-interest, outcome needs to be super clear, certain, easy to calculate, easy to use, needs clear and certain outcomes, thin vs. Newsom, kim davis, smoker in non-smoking area, street performance: strategy: transfer feelings of conditioned symbols to neutral stimuli. emotionally based, rooted in childhood. Takes us less time and effort to update current information than gather new information: rct: conflicts with information processing required for rct. It"s very hard to change existing attitudes: aschematics easier to persuade. Fortunately there are lots of aschematics but unfortunately they aren"t paying attention: 2.