ANTH 242 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Cortisol Awakening Response, Sphygmomanometer

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Specifically there was very little information on the question, how do people develop high blood pressure? or more specifically, where do hypertensive people come from? . Life stress was thought to be an important contributor, and while there were theories as to how it happened, there was virtually no data or observations to back any of it up. Study of women in new york city: -in 1985 a proposal was made to the nih to conduct a study of life stress in women employed outside the home. Study of women in new york city: -used a natural experimental design, comparing urinary epinephrine, urinary epinephrine, and blood pressure at work, at home, and during sleep. Natural experimental design: ecological design to study microenvironmental stress: Wasn"t community-based, but rather focused on women who were all employed in similar jobs (secretaries and technicians) at the same workplace. All the women were healthy, had normal blood pressure, and were premenopausal (aged 18-50).