SOC 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Identity Politics, Anti-Austerity Movement In Spain, Civi-Dt

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16 Dec 2016

Document Summary

For the first time in history, more people live in cities than in the countryside: urban population today 3. 2 billion larger that total world population in 1961. Reverses europe"s superiority: urban population of brazil, china, india more than total population of europe and north america combined, people are attracted to the cities because of. In the 1950"s the largest cities were all in europe or na. Suggest the growth of primary cities over secondary cities and has a changing composition have their own opinions and want worldly foods and these cities are against each other. Post industrial city: the automobile, the motorway and the factory. Suburbia: manufacturing replaced by fire industries finance, insurance, real state sectors. Growth of slums: in the third world, countryside urbanizing. Sweatshops being relocated in the suburbs and even villages. Fisher folk"s houses separated from the sea by costal highways. Extended metropolitan regions: without recognizable centers or suburbs, desakotas ( city villages in indonesia)