CAS PS 261 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cognitive Dissonance, Impression Management, Meta-Analysis

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Note: this list is not comprehensive, just a good jumping off point. As always, you are responsible for anything covered in class and in the textbook chapters. Of course, you are also responsible for the material covered in tuesday"s class. What are attitudes: beliefs and feelings related to a person or an event. Tri-component conceptualization of attitudes (a, b, & c: a- affective, b- behavioral, c- cognitive. When does our behavior affect our attitudes: social influences reduced, aggregate behavior, attitude specificity, attitude strength, self-awareness and role-playing, role playing, study: zimbardo prison study, saying becomes believing , foot-in-the-door phenomenon. Implications of behavior to attitude (b to a) research. Self-perception theory (spt: what is it, attributional reasoning- determine your attitude by looking at your behavior, over-justification effect, study: lepper et al. (children rewarded for coloring) Social influence: conformity & obedience (chapter 6) Social influence- exercise of social power by a person or group to change an attitude.