SOC 100- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 44 pages long!)

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4 Dec 2017

Document Summary

The scientific study of the human beings in the social worlds they consciously create and inhabit. Study is based on systematic observation and logically constructed theories. Studying individual people within their social context, not individual people themselves. Wanted sociology to be accessible to anyone, not just educated elite. Didn"t like one big theory to encompass everyone and everything. The ability to see the connection between personal troubles and public issues. Issues - affect many people and have origins in institutional arrangements. Society - a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory, subject to the same broad social arrangements. Other social worlds - e. g. families, communities, states. The organized (not random) pattern of social relationships and social institutions that together constitute society. Aka - the way the society is set up! Are established and organized systems of social behavior with a particular and recognized purpose .