GEOG 1992 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Urban Geography, Human Geography, Deindustrialization

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Exam 4 study guide: module 4: a urbanizing world. Read/study the textbook chapters, paying particular attention to the terms listed in the lecture outlines. Note: lecture material from monday 15 november will be on the exam. Subjective interpretations: we each have our own conception of what a city is. No, because urban geography is defined as the study of cities as systems. Urban geography seeks to explain the distribution of towns and cities and the sociospatial similarities and contrasts that exist between and within them. The study of systems of cities: spatial distribution of towns and cities and the linkages between them. The study of the city as a system. Power of urban geography is that it synthesizes many different perspectives so as to advance our understanding of urban phenomena. Centrality of the spatial perspective: distinguishes ug from cognate areas of urban study. Linchpins of human geography: towns and cities are essential elements.