PSYC 2012 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Spina Bifida, Neural Crest, Neural Tube

104 views4 pages
12 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Endoderm-inner layer, forms internal organs-lungs, liver, intestines etc. Neural plate-part of the back ectoderm that forms neural tube and neural crest by folding in on itself. Neural tube- hollow tube cells that eventually form the spinal cord and brain, incomplete folding of this can result in anencephaly(lack of brain formation) or spina bifida or incomplete cord sealing. Neural crest-these cells eventually migrate out and form the peripheral nerve. Cell proliferation-the formation of two new cells from one cell by a neural stem cell. Starts shortly after conception and is mostly complete 4-5 months post-conception. Cell migration-the movement of cells from one place to another. Starts around 8-9 weeks post conception and is complete 2-3 months before birth. Cell differentiation and maturation-the process by which unspecialized stem cells or precursor cells take on their final specialized state. Cell death and synaptic pruning-more neurons, and more synapses are formed during development than are actually needed.