BIOL 142 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Red Pulp, White Pulp, Bloodborne

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not ordinarily visible. Large clusters of lymph nodes occur near the body surface in the
inguinal, axillary, and cervical regions, places where the collecting lymphatic vessels
convey to form trunks.
Lymph Node
Location of Lymph Nodes
Lymph nodes have 2 basic protective functions:
1. Cleansing the lymph (lymph nodes act at lymph "filters." Macrophages in the nodes
remove and destroy microorganisms and other debris that enter the lymph from the
loose connective tissues, preventing them from being delivered to the blood and
spreading to other parts of the body.
2. Immune system activation (lymph nodes and other lymphoid organs are strategically
located sites where lymphocytes encounter antigens and are activated to mount an
attack against them.
Function of Lymph Nodes
Location of Spleen
The soft, blood-rich spleen is about the size of a fist and is the largest lymphoid organ.
The spleen provides a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance and
response. But perhaps even more important are its blood-cleansing functions. Besides
extracting aged and defective blood cells and platelets from the blood, it's macrophages
remove debris and foreign matter.
1. Recycles the breakdown products of red blood cells for later reuse. It releases the
breakdown products to the blood for processing by the liver and stores some of the iron
savaged from hemoglobin. 2. Stores blood platelets and monocytes for release into the
blood when needed. 3. Maybe a site of erythrocyte production in the fetus.
Three Functions of Spleen
Red pulp and white pull
Two Components of Spleen
White pulp is where immune functions take place and red pulp is where worn-out red
blood cells and bloodborne pathogens are destroyed.
Distinguish between the function of red pulp and white pulp
White pulp is where immune functions take place so it is composed mostly of
lymphocytes suspended on reticular fibers. The white pulp cluster or forms "cuffs"
around central arteries.
Composition of white pulp
Red pulp is where worn-put red blood cells and bloodborne pathogens are destroyed,
so it contains huge numbers of erythrocytes and the macrophages that engulf them.
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Document Summary

Large clusters of lymph nodes occur near the body surface in the inguinal, axillary, and cervical regions, places where the collecting lymphatic vessels convey to form trunks. Lymph nodes have 2 basic protective functions: cleansing the lymph (lymph nodes act at lymph "filters. " The soft, blood-rich spleen is about the size of a fist and is the largest lymphoid organ. The spleen provides a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance and response. But perhaps even more important are its blood-cleansing functions. Besides extracting aged and defective blood cells and platelets from the blood, it"s macrophages remove debris and foreign matter. Spleen: recycles the breakdown products of red blood cells for later reuse. It releases the breakdown products to the blood for processing by the liver and stores some of the iron savaged from hemoglobin. Stores blood platelets and monocytes for release into the blood when needed. Maybe a site of erythrocyte production in the fetus.