SOP-3004 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Random Assignment, Internal Validity, Social Influence

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12 Dec 2018

Document Summary

*evaluating research: experimental research, two key features random assignment of participants, controlled manipulation of independent variable, two types of variables: independent and dependent. Person listening needs to be motivated and care, requires effort on their part: peripheral route: making the person like the message or the person sharing the message. Not change their views in front of mixed evidence. Became more in favor of their initial stance: cognitive dissonance: an unpleasant psychological state where behavior and attitude are inconsistent. People who were paid said they enjoyed it, other two did not: attitude change is more likely if there is insufficient justification for the behavior. Wrote hotels months later, asking if they would accommodate asians and. 90% said no : attitudes affect behavior when , attitude is strong (vested interest, accessible): if it"s something you care about you"re more likely to act on it.